Christopher and I found out on Monday that we are having a baby girl!
We are so excited!
I think I have secretly wanted a girl from the beginning of this pregnancy but I really want a boy someday.
It has been so much fun to see Christopher light up when he talks or thinks about our daughter. I cannot wait to see him be a daddy! He is already a wonderful husband and I know he will be an amazing father.
So I know it might seem strange but Christopher and I have had the names of our first born son and daughter since before we were engaged. So when we found out we were pregnant we knew we were having either C or M. We just didn't know which one yet.
On February 28 (I was 18 weeks) we were so excited because our OB/GYN said we would most likely find out our baby's gender. We had been looking forward to actually calling our baby by name for a while. When we went in the doctor she said that our baby was being shy. Anytime she would try to look to see the gender our baby would have her legs crossed. She asked me to drink 3 bottles of water and she would try to check again in 20 minutes. When we went in the second time our baby kept putting her knees together. My doctor tried to make baby move but she could only see what she needed for a few seconds and she could not get a good picture. My doctor said that from what she saw our baby looked like a girl. But she told us not to hold her to that guess because she couldn't see as much as she wanted to.
A few weeks later I went in with Christopher (He always goes with me because he's wonderful!) For my 20 week ultrasound (I was technically 19 weeks and 5 days). This ultrasound is more advanced than the one at my OB/GYN's office. It can see the heart, kidney functions, spine... And a whole lot of other things that seem impossible to see right now. Another thing we knew we were going to find out was our baby's gender.
We had it set in our minds that we were having a girl but we knew we could not confidently shout it from the rooftops yet.
We went into this appointment with a lot of mixed emotions. We were so excited to finally be able to find out our baby's gender but we were also scared about finding any complications (because I'm high risk) that we or our child may have to face.
This ultrasound was so nice.
I got to see my beautiful baby for a whole hour! About half way through we were told we were having a girl. Our daughter does not like to do what people want her to. Anytime they tried to get a picture of her face she would put her hands right in the way. And when they tried to see her boy or girl parts she would put her knees together and do bicycle kicks. It took them awhile to see things. But by the end of the appointment we knew she was perfectly healthy and a GIRL.
It's amazing and crazy how much God is protecting our baby girl already. Our daughter is totally fine. She has no complications as of right now.
I am 20 weeks today and I cannot believe it. I'm halfway to seeing my beautiful daughter.
So now that we know we're having a girl let me tell you about her name.
Chloe Mayme
Chloe is a name I have like since high school. I won't tell you exactly where it came from because you will laugh at me. But the name Chloe reminds me of certain character traits that I hope my daughter will have. Traits like friendship, loyalty, curiosity, and kindness.
Mayme is the first name of Christopher grandmother (it rhymes with name). She has Alzheimer's and will never know who our daughter is. But we wanted Chloe to know that even if her great grandmother can't know her, that she would have loved her.
We want to honor Christopher's grandmother in a way that Chloe can one day understand.
Psalm 139:15-16 ESV
My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.