Thursday, September 25, 2014

2 Months Old!!

My Dearest Cutie-pie,

I cannot believe that you are 2 months old.
Time seems to move faster since you've been born. And yet some days it seems like time stands still (you'll understand one day when you're a mommy).
You've had some more changes this month.

You are now officially a "cloth baby". You look so cute in your cloth diapers. I just patting your little bum (Sorry Mommy's kind of strange, I'm sure you'll get used to it). You go through about 10-12 diapers in a 24 hour period.

Another change is how much you eat. You take about 4-5 oz. now every 3 hours. The first week of this month you were only being breastfed and I was so excited and happy that I was able to give you that. But something happened and now we're back to the bottle, breast milk and some formula. Sometimes I start to feel guilty about this, but then I just look at how happy you are and how much weight you're gaining. Just know that I am trying to do what's best for you because I love you so much.

Another change is the way you have started looking directly at your daddy and I. Last month you just looked everywhere but now you follow us with your eyes and sometimes make eye contact. It's so wonderful.

Sometimes we set you on your play-mat and you just stare at the toys. Sometimes you even grab or kick them. And you really like talking while you play.

You are starting to make even more sounds now and sometimes we even think you laugh.

I am so happy to be your Mommy and I hope you always know that Daddy and I love you so much Chloe!


Your Mommy

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Adventures in Cloth Diapering: What are all those snaps for??

I know that most people are not unfamiliar with today's modern cloth diapers. Most people that cloth diaper now days do so not only because it's better for the wallet and environment, but because they are just so adorable! I mean seriously, have you seen how cute some of these cloth diapers are!?

When Christopher and I made the decision to cloth diaper we did so for one big reason; we honestly can not afford disposable diapers (and it just makes things easier that they are so cute).

When we first started apartment hunting we wanted to find apartment with a washer and dryer. Well unfortunately we could not find one that we could afford, so that's when I started looking for alternative ways to wash our dirty diapers. I found the Wonderwash. It makes hand washing so easy.

Although the wonder wash makes it easier there still is a whole process.

The Process:

As soon Chloe makes a #1 dirty diaper  I put it (diaper and insert) in the wonder wash barrel. When she makes a #2 dirty diaper I rinse/wash it off in the toilet and then put it in the barrel. Once the barrel is full (about once every 24 hours) it's time to wash.

First)  I soak all of the diapers in hot water for 15-20 minutes. And then drain.

Second)  I put detergent in the barrel and then fill it up with hot water again. Then I crank/spin the barrel for 1 minute. (60-70 rotations) and then drain. 

Third) Rinsing. Next I fill the barrel up with warm water, spin for a minute and then drain, and then I do another rinse with cold water, spin for a minute and drain. 

Fourth) I ring out the diapers and hang them out to dry. Inside or outside depending on the weather.

Fifth) Lastly I stuff the inserts back into the diapers and snap them up so they can look neat. And then I put them away.

 I know that cloth diapering is not the most glamorous thing in the world but it saves our little family money.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Start of Something New... (Don't judge my High School Musical title.)

We're here... We're finally here!!
We are now living in our own place. I always have hot water!! I don't have to wait on my brother for the bathroom! Chloe has her own room! I have my own kitchen, again!
I'm sorry for all of the exclamation points but I'm so happy!

And now for the "Grand Tour"

So here's our living room...

and this is the view of our kitchen from our living room...

the rest of the kitchen.

our bathroom... I know super interesting.

And our bedroom

I have almost finished unpacking and everything is getting organized.

(I don't want to post pictures of Chloe's room until it is completely finished. We are still needing some furniture for her.)

Christopher has started back at Chick-fil-a and has started taking classes.

As happy as I am to be here I am also pretty sad. Christopher and I had really started to find our place in Owasso. We had friendships there that we've never had in Springfield. We are already missing our friends. We are already missing our church. We pray that we can make some lasting friendships here soon.