Saturday, February 22, 2014

Catch Up Post

So it seems that I need to play a little catch up...

This month has been a good one.

Christopher and I have been so overwhelmed with the encouraging words and comments about our pregnancy.

My body has had a lot of changes this month, mostly my belly.

This was taken in my 17th week

I'm still having some morning sickness but it's not as bad as it was in my first trimester.
So many changes going on that I had no idea about. Pregnancy is a big adjustment.

Christopher and I are hoping to find out our baby's gender on the 28th. We cannot wait to find out!

I really like all of the doctor's I have seen so far. I know that God specifically placed them in our lives and that he knows everything that is going to happen with our baby.

Waiting in the doctor's office.

So this year is our "last Valentines Day" before we have kids so we wanted to make it extra special.

From: Allie     To: Christopher

Christopher loves candy, but hates chocolate, so he is kind of hard to shop for on Valentines Day. But this year I found a box of Jelly Bellies and he LOVED it!! I also got him a Cardinals key chain and extra candy.

From: Christopher      To: Allie 
Christopher got me a beautiful Vera Bradley e-reader cover for my Nook! And he got me beautiful roses and they smell amazing!!

I made a cheesecake for Christopher
Christopher loves cheesecake so I made him one with some extra love.

Christopher made me dinner; spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, and chocolate covered strawberries.
Christopher is an amazing cook. Everything he makes always turns out to be delicious!! He completely surprised me when he told me he would be making us dinner. We had a nice candle lit dinner with just the two of us. When we were finished with dinner we went over to my grandmother's house to give her some of our leftovers. She loves spaghetti! We also gave her a picture of the ultrasound and she was so excited. She says she thinks it's a girl.

The next morning while Christopher was at work I went over to a friend named Shannon's house and she showed me her cloth diapering system. I want to cloth diaper our baby and I was curious how it all worked, so she invited me over. There is so much to learn and understand but over all I think it's something Christopher and I will be able to handle. She let me borrow some books and they have been very helpful. I am so thankful for friends who let me ask them a bunch of questions.

For Christmas last year Christopher's parents got us a nightstand to match the one the got us as a wedding present. I was so excited! I took me a few months to get lamps and lampshades that matched but last night we found the right lampshade! I am so happy our room is symmetrical now, I know it sounds dumb but our room is finally something I don't have to think about for awhile.

All in all this month has been great so far. Thank you for following my random thoughts. We cannot wait until the 28th to find out our baby's gender!!

Prayers though out our pregnancy would be much appreciated!


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