Friday, August 29, 2014

One Month

( I realize that I'm a few days late, but I did write this out on the day she turned One Month old.)

My Sweet Chloe,
Today you are a month old! Your Daddy and I cannot believe it! You have already grown so much this month.

Things that have changed in this month;
When we first brought you home your hands were all wrinkly and red but now they are smooth and match the rest of your body.

A few weeks ago you hated your bouncer and swing but now you usually go to sleep soon after I put you in either one of them.
When you were in the hospital right after you were born they had us feeding you 15 ml every 2 hours (a little over 4 oz. a day). But now you drink 3-4 oz every 3 hours. You're still taking both formula and breast milk.

One of my favorite things to do with you right now is to give you a bath. You still cry when I wash your body but as soon as I start to wash your hair you stop crying and start closing your eyes and calming down. You love when I wash your hair! (I love it too!)

This past week you have started to make coo noises, It's adorable!

You are such a snuggle bug!! You love to snuggle up next to Daddy when he lays on the couch. You usually burrow your face in his chest.

 You have been in disposable diapers all month but we are about to start putting cloth diapers on you next week (you're actually big enough for them now.).

You were dedicated the day before we left Oklahoma. Everyone was so supportive and kind. Your Great-Grammy and Great Aunt Laurie even came! We promised in front of everyone to raise you in a way that would be pleasing to God.

We just moved into our own apartment and I am starting to get your room set up. I am so excited that you are going to have your own room. I can't wait to get everything set up in your room. I LOVE your crib it's so precious.

I cannot believe you have already been here an entire month! We love you so much Chloe. This month has been so life altering but so rewarding! We can't wait to watch you grow more and more into the woman God has you to be. I love you baby girl!

- Mommy

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