Monday, December 29, 2014

4 Months Old!!!

My Sweet Baby Girl,

You are 4 months old today. Oh my goodness time is going by too quickly! You are still such a wonderful baby! We think you are starting to teeth because you are drooling a lot more now and you are always sticking your thumbs in your mouth. It's adorable. (You don't ever suck them just gnaw hehe).

You've started to "talk" sometimes very loudly. I just can't get enough of you. I pulled out a toy you got for your baby shower and you LOVE it. We call it Ella. It's a little blanket with an elephant head and arms. You love to sleep with her and sometimes it's the only thing that will calm you down. I think it's because you are really noticing your hands lately and you are always trying to hold on to something.

You like to give us "hugs" now. Daddy or I will lay with our knees up and you'll make yourself fall forward, stick your arms out and smile. Precious!

I think you're starting to get too big for your swing which makes me so sad because you Love it and sometimes it's the only way I can get you to sleep.

You drink 5 oz every 3 hours now and you sleep for 8 hours at night about 4 out of 7 nights a week. You probably should move to your crib soon but I'm really struggling to move you there because I love having you close to me at night.
I seriously love being your Mommy, Chloe. I can't wait to learn more about you as you grow into the woman God wants you to be. Love you baby girl. Kisses (like all the time...).

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