Wednesday, May 6, 2015

9 Months Old

Dear light of my life,

9 Months Old!!! I can't believe it!!

I love you so much Chloe! I was calculating something the other day a guess what?! You were inside my tummy exactly 9 months so that means that starting tomorrow you will have been breathing and eating (somewhat) on your own longer than you were in my tummy. I know it's a strange thing to think about but I thought is was interesting. You have been such a strong girl your whole life, even before you were born.


You have grown a lot this month. You officially sleep in your crib now, which I'll admit is bittersweet. I love that you can sleep through the night but I miss hearing the sound of you breathing next to me in your pack-n-play while you sleep. You usually sleep until 7-8 am. It's awesome. I honestly am so blessed that you are such a good sleeper.

This month was your first Easter. You looked so adorable in the Easter dress that Papi got you. You also wore a pink jacket that my great grandmother made for me when I was a baby.

Eating has gotten a lot better this month. You actually like eating. You attack the spoon with your mouth, it's so funny! You still only like squash ans sometimes sweet potatoes but you make silly faces with the sweet potatoes. You drink the same amount of formula 7-8 oz. 4 times a day. You have become more independent and don't like when I feed you, you like to do it yourself. You like it best when I lay you on the floor and let you hold the bottle and feed yourself. You're such a cutie pie!

You have started to pull things off of the bottom shelf this month. I have to put all of the DVD's back where they go at least once a day.

You are growing so fast and I can't wait for the day where we can have dress up days and tea parties!

I love sweet girl!!

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