Friday, January 31, 2014

God is in Control

So Christopher and I have been hiding a pretty big secret for a few months now...


According to my doctor I am 14 weeks along. I'm starting my second trimester. The due date is July 31st 2014. We are so stinking excited! 

God is in Control.

I saw my regular doctor pretty early in the pregnancy but we had been trying to see an OB/GYN since December. It took much, much longer than we had anticipated. Today was my first official appointment. :)

God is in Control.

The doctor said everything is going well. The heart beat was so awesome to hear. Our little "melon head" is stubborn just like his/her mommy. The doctor tried to get a good picture but the baby kept moving back to where he/she was. Baby didn't want to pose for pictures today. We got a few pictures but not a good one of his/her profile. But other than baby not posing for pictures, the appointment was wonderful. It was such a relief to see our little baby moving around. 

God is in Control.

The weeks before my appointment were filled with worry. I don't really consider myself a "worrier", I mean occasionally I might have an emotional melt down when I try to control everything and then actually realize all of the things I actually have no control over. But that's not worry (it's being a control freak). But man, oh man, I was worried about this pregnancy. I was frustrated I hadn't gotten to a doctor sooner, I was worried about it being a high risk pregnancy (I'm insulin dependent, but we can go into that later), and on top of all of that I was worried about actually seeing our baby and finding out that I had done something wrong and my baby had paid the price. Talk about worrying. I had been letting these thoughts constantly run through my head. I know that God knows everything that will happen to "melon head" I had just been leaning on my own strength which never works. Everything is going well and according to schedule, so all my worrying was pointless.

God is in Control.

Matthew 6: 34
“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."
*Sometimes it's so hard to stop worrying about something once it consumes your thoughts.

Psalm 119:114
"You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in your word."
* I can always go to God when I am scared.

Isaiah 41:13
"For I, the Lord your God,
    hold your right hand;
it is I who say to you, “Fear not,
    I am the one who helps you.”

* God will be with me through everything. He is always with me.

Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
* This one hit me right in the face.I had not been putting 
all of my faith in God. I was trusting in myself. I need to
 have faith that God controls things I can and can't see

Philippians 4:6-8
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."
* This passage has been an encouragement to me since high school.
It has so many applications

God has everything in control. It's easy enough to say but it is sometimes hard to live your life knowing you don't control everything (that's what's hardest for me anyway). But if I really stopped to think who I'd rather have in control, me or God... the answer is obviously God.

Isaiah 55:8-9
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts."

God has given us a healthy baby and we are so excited! I cannot wait to hold him/her in my arms and to watch the love of my life become an awesome father. We may not always understand God's timing but He is always in control.

I'm going to be a Mommy!!


Saturday, January 25, 2014


I started watching Robbie, two days a week, about 6 months ago. He is so fun! He is at that fun age where he changes every week. When I started watching him I could lay him down and he would stay there until I moved him. Not happening now. He is walking and beginning to mimic sounds now.

He looks so little

Sleepy Time

Even though he is so young you can already see his cute little personality. He is loving and sweet. Plus he has such a cute smile! I think when he is older he'll be pretty easy going.

Waiting for Daddy

Stop taking my picture, I'm trying to eat!
 I enjoy watching Robbie. He is getting to that stage where he is curious about everything and he is starting to explore and learn. I can't wait to see him grow more.


Big Boy
Fun Facts about Robbie:
* Robbie likes to "talk/sing". He can go on and on for 10 minutes.
* If I feed Robbie baby food with meat, he WILL make funny faces.
* He is so easy to put down for a nap.
* Robbie is pretty jumpy, so make sure not to sneeze too loudly. I've learned this the hard way.
* He loves toys with sound and more importantly he loves to press the same buttons over and over again.
* The best part about watching Robbie is the huge smile he gives you when you get him up from his nap.


I started watching Kyla in March of 2013. She is one of the happiest, sweetest, and, smartest "babies" that I have ever watched (I have watched a lot of babies in my life). When I started watching her she was in the early stages of walking. You know, where she knows how to walk but still falls down about every third step. She was such a joy even then (and so photogenic).

Cutie Pie!
She was so small. 
Tutu Time

"Say Cheese"
What a sweetheart!

So pretty!

Going for a walk
I've been watching Kyla for almost a year now and I love her so much. It makes me start to cry when I think about Christopher and I moving back to Springfield (which is probably in August). She won't even remember me when we come back.

Growing Girl

Sleepy Time


Why does this lady always want to take picture of me!?


Big Girl
What a goof ball
Pretty Smile
 I have learned so much through caring for her. I've watched her grow more and more everyday. She is constantly doing things that shock and amaze me. Her Mom and Dad are easy to work with and so understanding. I'm just so blessed for the opportunity to have been such a small part of Kyla's life. Her family has been such a blessing to Christopher and I.

She NEVER does this. :)

 Ha ha ha!
Favorite Memories with Kyla:
* Asking her to sing. "La la la la la la la... la....laaaa"
* One time I stubbed my toe and it hurt so bad I cried, she crawled on my lap and gave me a big hug.
* When she sits in my lap and puts MY arms around her and says "sweese" (squeeze).
* "Oww-Si?" (outside) She used to ask to go outside every-single-day. 
* When I tell her to stand up after changing her diaper she shouts "SAND NUP" (stand up).
* When Christopher comes home, she gets jealous when he hugs me and says "My Opher" (Christopher).
* When she crawled out of her playpen all by herself the FIRST time. There have been many other times.
* When she pee peed in her potty the first time. I scared her with my excitement.
* It is so adorable when she asks for hugs and "kiss-it" (kisses) from her dad when he drops her off.
* When she gives me hugs and/or kisses for no reason at all.
* When we go on walks and she says "no scare me doggie".
* When she stared saying my name on purpose. :)
* She loves when I chase her / pop out from behind something and scare her.
* She likes sleeping with a stuffed elephant Christopher got me when we were dating. She calls it "eefant".
* Her laugh when she is being tickled.

I love her so much and she will always hold a special place in our hearts!

Monday, January 20, 2014


So many of you may not know this about me but I don't understand the point of Sports.

I mean don't get me wrong, I know that learning games as a child teaches you all sorts of valuable life lessons. But I think a lot of people make too big of a deal about sports.

That being said I have many loved ones who feel like if they had no sports to watch or team to root for life as we know it, would cease to exist. So if you like sports I still love ya. ;)

When Christopher and I started dating (and to this day) he could not wrap his head around the fact that I just don't care about sports. He thought that maybe I didn't like them because I didn't understand them. We would spend countless afternoons watching baseball while he explained all of the rules. We would watch football and he would tell me about different plays. I didn't even give him a chance when it came time for the world cup (that's soccer for my un-sporty friends) because I had sat though hundreds of games when my brother was younger (snooze fest!). And then there was hockey...

I understood hockey very quickly. It was similar enough to soccer (to which I am very familiar) for me to understand. I had never seen a hockey game before dating Christopher. But after the first game I was hooked. I love how fast paced hockey is and don't even get me started on how much I love the fights. The first time I saw a fight break out I remember saying "Whoa, are they allowed to do that?" To which Christopher replied "Yeah, that's just hockey."

Christopher is from St. Louis. He is very loyal to his home teams the Cardinals, the Rams, and his all time favorite team - the Blues.
On our way to my first Hockey game.
Let's Go Blues!!
The first hockey Game Christopher ever took me to was so much fun! We rode the Metro in to downtown St. Louis and watched the game at the Scott Trade Center. Hockey fans are so enthusiastic! Even if we lose they seem to stay positive (just like my wonderful husband). 

This past Friday Christopher went with our good friends to a Tulsa Oiler's game. We have defiantly seen better games but we had a really great time. Hockey games are a blast!

Such a fun night!

Christopher misses his blues.

I know that sometimes it it hard to be interested in the same things as your spouse but if you just try you might end up finding something that you both enjoy I hope that I always love and respect Christopher no matter what differences we have. I want to be an excellent wife.

Proverbs 12:4
An excellent wife is the crown of her husband,
    but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sleepy Sayings

My wonderful husband probably says something in his sleep every night. Sometimes what he says sounds like another language and other times I lay next to him cracking up for about 10 minutes. I decided recently to keep a list of everything he says, well because it's funny.

He thinks I'm creepy for taking this...

1. "I need a little bit more light."

2. "They got new toys."

3. "I'll find out in February."

4. "Make it a side warmer."

5. "We're two down."

6. "Stop putting candles in my face."

7. "It's my fault." What is Christopher?  "Everything."

8. "I'm sitting right where you sat."

9. "Mister hot stuff."

10. "Owww, my elbow."

11. "JOY!!"  - He shouted this.

12. "Can I get night?" Yes "Thanks"

I love Christopher so much! He provides so much entertainment... conscience or not ;)

Proverbs 17:22
A merry heart does good like medicine: but a broken spirit dries the bones.

Be thankful for the funny things in life.


Thursday, January 9, 2014


So some of you may know that Christopher and I had the opportunity to go to Mexico this past December to visit/help the Conder Family. They are a missionaries in Juárez, Mexico. 

Christopher and I have a passion for the Mexican people and we met the Conders through a missions conference at Friendship Baptist Church. Our families instantly clicked. They are so kind, loving, and real, But most importantly they have a calling that is very similar to ours. Christopher and I hope to one day live in Mexico and start a church. We know that we are still a long way from that, but it was nice to go down there and get a little taste of what God wants for our lives. 

Matthew and Adriana have three children, Zachary, Russell, and Carissa. let me just say what a joy these kids are! They are some of the best behaved children I know. They were a huge help to Christopher and I when it came to talking with the children in Mexico. While we were there "Lala" was visiting. She is Adriana's mother. She is such a sweet and funny lady.

The day we arrived was Zachary's birthday and it was so much fun! They had there dinning room all decorated with blue balloons. We learned a new birthday tradition. "MORDIDA!!!"

After we had some cake we played games and dressed up and took goofy pictures. 

Needless to say our first night was a blast!

The next day we helped them get ready for there Kids Club. They have a kids club in an abandoned house. This house is tiny. 30-50 kids show up to this Kids club every week. They are as happy as can be to learn about Jesus and sing praises to His name. They didn't seem to care one bit that there were so many of them in such a small area.

Some of the days we were there were used to run errands and to do the day-to-day tasks of a missionary family. We crossed the border two or three times.

Two of the days we were there we went and helped with a children's home. Its was so much fun. They help children who have been taken from a bad home situation. There were about 40 children in the home. They all seemed to be a family. Even though Christopher and I don't know much of the language the children were more than happy to play with us.  

The last day we were with the Conders we went in to El Paso to see a Christmas program. During the program four people accepted Jesus in their hearts. It was a great way to end our trip.

The last morning we were there they had decided to throw Christopher a little birthday party. It was pay back time for Zachary.  

We were so happy and blessed to be able to take this trip. It totally reaffirmed our calling. We may not understand God's timing but His ways are always better than our ways. Thank you to everyone who helped us with our trip. Our hearts are still there.

Isaiah 55:8-9
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
