Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sleepy Sayings

My wonderful husband probably says something in his sleep every night. Sometimes what he says sounds like another language and other times I lay next to him cracking up for about 10 minutes. I decided recently to keep a list of everything he says, well because it's funny.

He thinks I'm creepy for taking this...

1. "I need a little bit more light."

2. "They got new toys."

3. "I'll find out in February."

4. "Make it a side warmer."

5. "We're two down."

6. "Stop putting candles in my face."

7. "It's my fault." What is Christopher?  "Everything."

8. "I'm sitting right where you sat."

9. "Mister hot stuff."

10. "Owww, my elbow."

11. "JOY!!"  - He shouted this.

12. "Can I get night?" Yes "Thanks"

I love Christopher so much! He provides so much entertainment... conscience or not ;)

Proverbs 17:22
A merry heart does good like medicine: but a broken spirit dries the bones.

Be thankful for the funny things in life.


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